Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sexy Halloween Makeup


Eye Makep Ideas


Tips for looking pretty in Halloween makeup, including how-tos for applying cat eye makeup, witch costume and vampire looks.

Sexy Halloween Makeup
Normally, we wear makeup to enhance our looks, but Halloween brings out the wild in many people who seem to be trying to look ugly. Yes, ugly is scary, but you don’t have to be ugly to dress up for Halloween. If you’re going to an adult party, you need special Halloween makeup that you can still feel beautiful in. Here are some makeup tips for your favorite Halloween celebrations.

Cat Eyes. Lots of women like to be catty, and for good reason. Cat costumes are sexy, and your makeup can be too. Since you’re a grown-up kitty, you don’t have to completely mimic a cat’s face. Regular foundation color is fine because your eyes are the big focus here. Use a black liquid eyeliner, and paint a graduating line, start thin at the inner corner and go thicker from about the mid-point of your lid, going up dramatically at the end, extending about a half inch past your outer corner. You can add a little sparkle on your lids and below. Draw a fine black line on your lower lid. Try false eyelashes and pink lips. Skip the whiskers. You can use this look for almost any other animal costume.

Witch. Who says all witches are ugly? If I were a witch, I’d use my magic spells to make myself a beautiful one, so I think the ugly ones must not be very good. But witches are busy indoors working on potions, so you want a pale face. Find a white foundation, which you may have to go to a specialty shop for. Black liner just on the top lids, mascara on both, and sparkly gold lips. You want your lips to look like magic. Use very dark nail polish and draw attention to it with rings. A long black wig or clip-on ponytail is best (sorry, there aren’t many blonde witches).

Vampiress. You do have to look a bit scary to be a vampire, but only scary in the possibility of what you could do to your victim, not scary ugly. The two main features here are a white face and blood red lips. Black and silver eye shadow work well for this look, and paint on a beauty mark near your lips. Don’t forget the red nails, and you’ll be most convincing if you drink red wine at night.

Make sure you pack extra makeup in your purse and check the mirror frequently. Extravagant makeup is great for fantasy wear only if it’s not running off your face, and you may need to touch up more than normal. This is one night you can’t even think about going to bed without washing your face well with a good cleanser, removing all makeup traces with toner and finishing with a night cream. Otherwise, you’re going to scare yourself when you wake up. Don't forget to visit our cosmetics site for your everyday makeup tips. Happy Halloween.

Sexy Halloween Makeup