Friday, April 27, 2012

Natural Eye Makeup

How To Make A Natural Eye Makeup

If you wish to be natural but you do not feel right to go out without makeup this guide is for you how to make a natural eye makeup. In a few steps I will explain how to give a touch of light in your eyes while using neutral colors and natural eye makeup look that does not weigh down.

Find Out How To Make A Natural Eye Makeup

  1. Having made up his face with foundation, concealed and a bit 'of blush land and proceeds to give color to eye. As a base using a Pencil, an eye shadow or cream, or the same corrector that stretch well and evenly over the entire upper eyelid. Starting from the inner eye starts to distribute the yellowish-beige eye shadow.
  2. With this first eye shadow will fill about half the eye. Distribute the other half-ocher brown eye shadow, making sure to create a gradient where the two colors meet. At the outer eye shadow fades slightly up and insist on the brush to color in the crease of the eye.
  3. With eye shadow lighter then, in shades of cream, light from the light to look inside corner of the eye and the eyelid just below the eyebrows. You can use this as eye shadow illuminating his face, distributing a little 'cheekbones. Complete with a little 'of brown mascara.