Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eye Makeup: Instructions And Makeup Products

Eye Makeup: instructions and makeup products

A successful eye makeup is not a coincidence. It takes the method, a good user manual and good makeup to successfully implement its eye makeup. Follow the guide.

How to eye makeup? That's a question that is not so simple to answer!

Whether you want an evening make-up or day, here you will find detailed instructions for taking care of your eyes and make them up as a professional makeup. What is the right and how to apply mascara? Should we choose a cream blush or powder blush? Should we opt for an eyeliner pencil or eyeliner felt? Cosmo gives you all the answers ...

Colors of eye shadow, color of your eyes, shape of your eyes but also events for which you want your make-up are all factors to consider to make a beautiful eye makeup. The material (mascaras, eye shadows, brushes ...) is also a factor to take into account make a beautiful eye makeup.

Material for making up the eyes

To enhance your look, you need at least:
- An eye shadow
- A kohl pencil
- A mascara

As a bonus, and for more experienced, you can use an eyelash curler. And brushes, to optimize the application of your eyeshadow

Colors of eyeshadow

Depending on whether you have light eyes or dark eyes, you will not use the same colors of eyeshadow. For example, use eyeshadows clear if you have light eyes (blue with blue eyes, khaki with green eyes ...) or dark eyeshadow if you have dark eyes (for example with black or brown  hazel eyes).

Eye makeup as opportunities

We do not make up every day like for an evening! Before drawing your brushes, assess the situation. You have a party? Go ahead and dare colors supported, or supported a smokey eye.
You have a wedding? Think pastel and natural.
You want a natural day make-up? The taupe and nude will do.

Eye makeup trends

And the make-up trends have also their influence on our tastes and how we maquillons eyes.
This year, the flashy colors are honored: if, on the lips, we dare blur almost red, the eyes are no exception! We dare electric blue, pure green, the orange light.
Another trend, the return of eyeliner: we dare thick line very 60's, black, deep, supported.