Sunday, May 27, 2012

Models Of Eye Makeup (Techniques And Accessories)

Models of Eye Makeup (Techniques and Accessories)

Makeup is meant only to highlight the face, to sublimate the various areas like the mouth, eyes or skin tone and her makeup perfectly successful, must have accessories. There are different methods depending on the eye makeup opportunities, whether for day or evening.

Accessories and products are essential for a successful eye makeup

For an ideal eye makeup case, one must have accessories and commodities.


The brushes are essential for the eyes, mouth, blush, eye shadow, lipstick. The best are those that are not synthetic, but badger, marten or grays.
They must be chosen with a long handle, for ease of use. It should also be a sponge to apply foundation evenly, an eyelash curler, a small brush for eyebrows.


A eye makeup kit worth the name must have the form of color, loose powder, eye shadow, eye pencils, lipstick, not to mention the moisturizer to the base and a correction for small imperfections.

The methods make-up

Whether for a makeup day or night, using the model makeup is the same: the application of a moisturizer according to skin type, then a foundation with a uniformly sponge.

The makeup for the day

To make up for the most natural way possible, and as the idea of ​​makeup, you can take into account the color of your eyes to enhance them.
Just apply an eye shadow suitable for example for blue eye makeup apricot shades for green eye makeup shades of plum.
The color can be enhanced with a pencil. We must not forget the mascara, to enlarge the eye, and lip gloss for a hungry mouth.

Makeup for parties

For a makeup party or evening, the principle is simple, we must emphasize for it to track and mainly it lasts all night.
A golden rule, if the eyes are heavily made-up, the mouth should be more discreet, and vice versa. Play with glitter, eyeliner dare to doe eyes.